Llama Trekking at Old King Street Farm
Llama Trekking at Old King Street Farm
Llama trekking is fast becoming a 'must-do' activity. Bond with your llama, get to know him and take him on a walk in the glorious countryside of south west Herefordshire. If travelling from further afield, why not take a two day stay in one of our holiday cottages?
Llamas are not ridden. Instead they are pack animals and can carry thirty kilos, or as we say, all you need for a picnic lunch - chairs, table, and hamper.
A typical half-day llama trek will start with us calling the llamas into the penning area. An incentive (a bribe!) of a mouthful of their specialist feed, perhaps supplemented with some carrot might help!
The llamas are fed, haltered, groomed and are ready to walk. It really is that simple.
Each llama on its lead rope will follow you as you set off at a gentle stroll. We will accompany you on your llama trek through our fields and down the hill into the village where the llamas are always very well received. A trip through the countryside with its open expanses and woodland walks might follow.