Classworks Theatre
Classworks Theatre
Classworks is a performing arts organisation committed to working with young people and the wider community. Drawing on a range of expertise and our extensive costume collection we produce projects and performances involving participants in every aspect of the creative process within a professional, safe and supportive environment. Through this we stimulate learning, offer training opportunities, develop skills and encourage creative responses to the world we live in.
Classworks Theatre was founded in 1983 by the two Artistic Directors, Claudette Bryanston and Jenny Culank. At just 30 pence per session, and a vision to get just 6 young people to attend, Classworks started the first ever youth theatres in Cambridge, meeting at the ADC Theatre in Cambridge, and secured HRH Prince Edward’s first ever Patronage. The groups toured to Germany, Finland and Poland and visited the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for many years where in 1988 they won the first ever award given by The Independent for Best Production.
Classworks Costumes
You can also enjoy our costume collection. We offer costume hire and bespoke making for all costume requirements, from professional companies to one night's fancy dress.
Visit for more details.