A magical land of power and influence for more than 2,000 years, Dinefwr Park and Castle is an iconic place in the history of Wales. Two forts are evidence of a dominant Roman presence. The powerful Lord Rhys held court at Dinefwr and influenced decisions in Wales.
The visionaries, George and Cecil Rice designed the superb 18th-century landscape that you see today.
The 'hands-on' Newton House gives visitors an atmospheric circa 1912 experience. Exhibitions on the first floor tell Dinefwr's story and inspire visitors to explore the castle and park.
People have lived at Dinefwr for more than 2,000 years. Buried under the parkland are an Iron Age farm, two Roman forts and an 'English' town created by Edward I about 700 years ago. Still standing is the castle, created by the Lord Rhys and rebuilt over the centuries to leave the great building we see today.
- There have been White Park cattle at Dinefwr for at least 1,000 years
- They're mentioned in the Laws of Court of Hywel Dda, an early ruler.
- The king could be paid compensation in white cows for wrongs done
- Emblem of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust these beasts really are rare
- The word sirloin derives from these cows
- The number of cows, head to tail, would stretch for three miles