If you are an advocate of the benefits of outdoor learning you may be interested in attending The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom annual conference. Providing an opportunity to get up to date with all the latest activities and developments from the LOtC sector, the event will include practical and informative workshops, key speakers and networking opportunities. You will have the chance to gain valuable insights, hints and advice, make new contacts and share best practice.
In response to the feedback from the 2015 conference, more time has been allocated to the workshop programme. The workshop programme will offer both practical activities to develop your skills outside the classroom, and more strategic sessions looking at key research and projects happening in the sector. The workshops will also reflect the full breadth of LOtC, including school grounds, farming and countryside, arts and creativity, heritage and adventurous activities.
Speakers at the event are yet to be announced, but they promise to be both inspiring and informative, delivering lectures on personal experiences and advice on how to implement high quality LOtC provision.
Whatever interests or aims you bring to the event will be covered in their comprehensive programme.
The CLOtC Conference 2016 will take place on Thursday 24th November at The Learning Hub at Birmingham Airport. Book before 22nd July to access the earlybird discount rate of only £160 (inc VAT), or £115 (inc VAT) for members of CLOtC, and ensure you don’t miss out on this fun and stimulating day.
To find out more about the conference and book your place, visit the LOtC website. Online you will also have the oppruturtunity to nominate a champion of outdoor learning for the LOtC Awards 2016 or even put yourself forward to host a stall on your paticular area of outdoor expertise at the event.
Tweet about the conference using #CLOtCconf.
In the meantime Handsam can help you prepare for an outdoor learning experience with our trip planning service and list of top outdoor destinations. We can also help you identify and reduce all those predictable, and unpredictable, challenges through our risk assessment guidance.