The National Centre for Citizenship and the Law (NCCL) learning team are hosting an Education Open Evening on Wednesday 7th October 2015, from 4.30pm to 6.30pm at the Galleries of Justice Museum, Lace Market, Nottingham NG1 1HN.
This event is for all key stage 2, 3 and 4 teachers, educators and learning support staff. The event is particularly useful for school trip, history, citizenship, PSHE, geography, SMSC and enrichment coordinators.
At the start of a new term this is an ideal time to fuel your creative ideas and to make plans for the months ahead.
During the open evening attendees will be inspired to take learning outside the classroom and will consider how local heritage sites such as the City of Caves and Galleries of Justice Museum can inspire young people to learn from the past, act in the present and change their future.
The evening will provide opportunities for teachers and other learning staff to share ideas and best practices for learning outside the classroom.
The Education Open Evening will run as follows:
4.30-5pm Register, Drinks, Nibbles and Resources
5.00-5.30pm NCCL introduction and overview with presentations from teachers/practitioners who have used visits to the museum and caves to enhance children’s learning
5.30-6.10pm Preview the new Get Up Stand Up audio visual tour, which develops understanding of global civil rights
6.15-6.30pm Round up drinks, nibbles and networking. A chance to ask our learning team any questions
Benefits of attending:
- Be updated on our learning programmes and resources
- Enhance CPD
- Preview our NEW digitally mastered Get Up Stand Up global civil rights tour
- Network and share ideas and insight with like-minded professionals
- Sign up for a free familiarisation visit at the City of Caves
The event is free to attend and refreshments and goody bags will be provided to all delegates.
Please RSVP to Eleanor.bond@nccl.org.uk to confirm your place by 30/09/15.