On Monday 13th July 2015, 40 students from Ningbo No. 7 Middle School in China visited the NCCL (National Centre for Citizenship and the Law) education team at the Galleries of Justice Museum in Nottingham. For many, it was the first time they had visited the UK. During this educational visit the group took part in a variety of hands on learning activities and workshops delivered by the education team at the museum.
Activities included object handling (groups examined and investigated a selection of objects from the museum’s Police and Prison collection), a mock trial (where learners took on courtroom roles within the Victorian civil courtroom and re-enacted a trial based on the famous story of Alice in Wonderland), and a Crime and Punishment tour (through an actor-led tour of the prison and gaol the students discovered the history of crime and punishment in Nottingham).
This visit came about through an innovative knowledge transfer partnership and was part of a Sister City Programme – (Ningbo is a sister city of Nottingham). The visit was organised by the Academic Ezy Group who focus on developing and promoting sister school relationships. The Academic Ezy Group have offices in China, Australia, USA and New Zealand. They aim to strengthen both cultural and academic connections across countries.
During their time in Nottingham, the students from Ningbo also visited the University of Nottingham and Sherwood Forest, as well as the award-winning Galleries of Justice Museum. Through this exchange programme students were able to learn more about education and culture in the UK and also took part in lessons at their exchange school, Bluecoat Academy. Lou, who teaches at the Middle School in Ningbo, China, told us that the group had learned a lot from their visit to Nottingham.