Ardmore Educational Travel
Ardmore Educational Travel
Ardmore Educational Travel, part of The Ardmore Group, offer over 100 educational school tours in 32 countries. We partner with schools to provide one-off tours, multiple tours or total extra curricular solutions for schools and students aged 11-18.
For over 30 years we have been encouraging cultural interaction via educational experiences abroad and work with over 15,000 students a year. Ardmore Educational Travel has been providing exciting and safe trips for schools since 1984 and we are delighted to present our rapidly expanding selection of programmes around the world for schools.
Arguably, cultural interaction has never been more important as it is today, as young people can explore the world from their bedroom but very few experience it. We believe in the power of experiential learning and that education outside the classroom experiences are fun, life enhancing, positive, empower young people and lead to a more tolerant and empathetic world.
Ardmore can offer educational tours across Europe and beyond. Our UK centres range from the South East, Wales, the South West to London. Across the water we can offer fantastic residential centres in Northern France and all over Europe. We have cultural, adventure, curriculum, sports and language tours on offer!

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Schoolboy Falls From 60ft Cliff on School Trip

A 15-year-old boy fell 60ft over the edge of a cliff whilst on a geography school trip, miraculously only suffering minor injuries.