The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC) was set up as an independent charity in 2009 to support people working in learning outside the classroom (LOtC). Research shows that children learn best through real world, hands on experiences, so we encourage teachers, children and young people to get out of the classroom and look for learning opportunities in new and interesting places. We offer a range of support and information for schools and providers of LOtC to encourage the development of frequent, continuous and progressive LOtC opportunities.
CLOtC offers a range of information and advice to people interested in learning outside the classroom, be they headteachers, teaching assistants, outdoor learning co-ordinators, governors, parents, or providers of LOtC. Support is provided online and through face to face training and events.
The CLOtC website has a wealth of free resources and information to help you plan, run and evaluate effective LOtC experiences.
Highlighted in government health and safety guidance for schools, this national accreditation benchmarks providers of all types of LOtC experiences (such as adventurous activity centres, farms, museums and overseas tour operators) offering good quality educational experiences and managing risk effectively. By looking for the LOtC Quality Badge when planning educational visits, schools gain assurance and reduce paperwork. There are over 1,000 LOtC Quality Badge holders, all of whom are listed in detail on Handsam SchoolTripsAdvisor and can be accessed HERE.
LOtC Mark
LOtC Mark is the first national accreditation for schools which recognises and supports the development of learning outside the classroom across all subject areas. It is intended to both recognise existing exemplary provision, and also assist schools in developing their LOtC offer to enable all children to have access to meaningful LOtC experiences.
CLOtC is a membership organisation. Schools can join CLOtC for just £70 a year to receive a free Members’ Guide to LOtC, bi-monthly newsletter containing lesson ideas, curriculum updates, fundraising tips and other useful information, discounts on a range of LOtC books and resources and discounts on CLOtC training and CPD.
Training and events
CLOtC offers a range of courses and events aimed at helping you to develop high quality LOtC which will have a real impact on your pupils’ learning. Details of courses and dates can be found online: www.lotc.org.uk/news-and-events/clotc-events-training
LOtC resources
A range of lesson ideas and other resources to support LOtC, some free and some for which there is a charge, can be accessed through the CLOtC website. These resources cover the whole range of learning outside the classroom and include case studies of good practice, lesson plans, and other ideas to support LOtC: www.lotc.org.uk/category/resources