Did you know that self-led visits to Cadw sites are free to education groups attending education establishments in the European Union?
Cadw are the National Trust for Wales and operate on behalf of the Welsh Assembly. They have over 125 sites across the country. Click HERE to find out more and see a full list of Cadw sites.
Cadw also offer interactive, curriculum-linked education activities at selected sites and downloadable education resources.
How to book
To book your free visit, please follow these simple steps:
- Please book your visit at least five days in advance. If you use this form to book an education visit at fewer than five days notice, although we will do our best to process your booking, we cannot guarantee a free visit.
- Telephone the site (see the phone number no each site's HSTA listing) to check the availability for the date you’d like to visit.
- Once you have agreed a date and time with the site, read the Cadw terms and conditions, with required adult to pupil ratios, and complete the online booking form.
Why not sign up for the monthly newsletters to keep abreast of all the exciting special events which take place at Cadw heritage sites across Wales every week - your students could be jousting like a knight, encountering a bat or mining lead before you know it!