Craig Chaytor taught himself to make 360 ̊videos to help his daughter Imogen, who has Williams syndrome and experiences learning difficulties.
Craig stated that Imogen would often get “too distracted or too upset” when attempting her homework as a result of the syndrome, so he decided to “create a world where she can learn from because there’s no distraction because she’s so engaged in the VR”.
Craig, who has worked as chef for the past fifteen years and has had no training in the world of virtual reality, has said that using the VR headset has massively helped Imogen to learn things such as words and colours as she would “repeat [the videos] over and over again and was getting better and better”.
He also uses the VR technology to “bring school trips to Imogen so she’s at the comfort of her own home” and plans to release his VR experience to help other children.