As the leading provider of legal and management advice to schools in the UK, Handsam Ltd can help answer awkward questions in a very straightforward way.
By subscribing to our services clients can access answers to their queries quickly and in language which can easily be understood by schools (not legalese!)
As an example Handsam can offer detailed advice on first aid, medicines and managing known medical conditions on school trips. this is not only a vital area, but is often misunderstood. Noy only that, but the requirements changed recently following the introduction fo the Children and Families Act 2014.
If you would like help in this crucial area then contact us now on 03332 070737 or by emailing info@handsam.co.uk.
You can visit the Handsam SchoolTripsAdvisor page on Managing First Aid and Medicines on Trips HERE.
For further information visit: http://handsam.co.uk/first-aid-primer/