The new school year is warming up, with lessons progressing past the welcomes and the nitty gritty of study getting underway. Staff will undoubtedly be turning their attention to that half term residential or the traditional curriculum trip, and it is never too early to start planning! Planning school trips according to the rules and regulations - both in terms of health and safety, logistics and financial - is a difficult challenge for all schools. Handsam would like to remind our clients of the importance of thorough trip planning, of ensuring that venues and activities are fully vetted, risk assessments completed and responsibilities firmly allocated. Our expertise in school trip planning allows our clients to benefit from policies, an online management tool and a unique and free resource website.
The Handsam Trip Planning system provides a superb solution for staff to plan trips efficiently and according to both the latest guidance and your school's procedures. Access to the latest resources and guidance documents is coupled with the ability to upload your own resources and a range of template risk assessments. The system reduces paperwork and makes the planning process swift and straightforward. Use HandsamSchoolTripsAdvisor to locate the perfect trip location, read reviews of providers and access a variety of resources. Be sure to monitor the site for the latest school trip news and best practice.