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Nine Year Old Boy Stopped From Going on Trip due to Not Meeting the Funding Criteria

Posted: Friday, 13 December 2019 - 1:03pm

Nine year old Ronnie Callaway-Hinks, who attends St George’s Beneficial Primary School, Portsea, has been told he cannot go on a residential trip with his classmates, as he is not a Pupil Premium (children identified as ‘disadvantaged’ and eligible for free school meals) student. 

Planning a School Trip? Check the Air Pollution Levels First.

Posted: Monday, 2 December 2019 - 9:11am

 A study by researchers at UCL and printed in Circulation - the journal from the American Heart Association, has revealed that even a short-term visit to a polluted city can have serious health implications,

Plea for School Trip Funding in Election Manifesto

Posted: Monday, 25 November 2019 - 9:36am

The Society of London and UK Theatre have published an election manifesto, urging the government to allocate funding to educational establishments to take children to the theatre.

The document, sent out to political parties, ​calls for a three-pronged approach to supporting British theatre; funding and growth, talent development and international collaboration and condemns the “serious impact” of declining arts subject take up in schools, and argues that it should be made easier for pupils to engage with the theatre.

Oswestry Tourist Attraction Offers Free Trips for Primary Schools

Posted: Monday, 18 November 2019 - 12:41pm

The British Ironwork Centre in Aston, Oswestry is offering free trips to primary schools as part of the School Partnership Programme, which aims to encourage as many regional and national schools as possible to visit the site.

Visitors will receive full access to the sculpture park, showroom and museum and get the chance to see the Ironwork Centre's resident artists at work.

Schoolboy Climbed into Cheetah Enclosure in Front of Classmates

Posted: Monday, 11 November 2019 - 3:14pm

A Sixteen-year-old boy had a lucky escape as he scaled the walls of a cheetah enclosure on a school trip in Germany.  He was visiting the zoo in Erfurt, central Germany with classmates when the student suddenly climbed the fence of the cage and walked towards the large cats as the crowd and his teachers watched in disbelief. He came extremely close to the cheetahs, reportedly getting within 10 meters of the animals, before backing out and making a swift exit from the enclosure, sustaining no injuries.


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Schoolboy Falls From 60ft Cliff on School Trip

A 15-year-old boy fell 60ft over the edge of a cliff whilst on a geography school trip, miraculously only suffering minor injuries.