

The area of Kirkwall includes the Orkney Islands and the far north east of Scotland, which is a remote, raw place full of beauty and wildlife. The area is a wonderful place to go wildlife spotting or to see some of the ancient standing stones which dot the Orkneys. There are plenty fo places to enjoy outdoor activities with your students too, although a lot of planning and thought needs to go into safety aspects of your expedition. 

Kirkwall itself is the capital of the Orkney Islands. The most well known attraction is St Magnus Cathedral which is often considered to be one of the finest medieval buildings in Scotland. The town is full of other historic delights including Bishop Palace and Earl's Palace

The Ring of Brodgar

The concentration of archaelogy and standing stone monuments in the area surrounding the Ness of Brodgar at the heart of Orkney hints at the importance the area had within the ceremonies of the Neolithic people of the islands.

The area is ideally suited for the construction of their ceremonial monuments - a massive natural "cauldron" formed by the hills of the surrounding countryside and therefore bordered by hill, water and sky.

Aside from the major monuments, there are also mounds, burials and other areas of Neolithic activity.

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