Middle East
Middle East
On the far side of Europe, the Middle Eastern region has combinations of African, European and Asian influences and is both a cultural and political hotspot. The range of languages, ethnicities and religions all included in the area is astounding, and the region would be a prime place to visit to get a sense of the full diversity of the world outside of the UK. You can find unique combinations of old tradition and modernity throughout the Middle East - the region has many prospering cities, but the people value their origins highly and maintain age-old customs while still moving with the times and incorporating modern day technology into their lives.
However, its political turmoil also makes the Middle East a difficult place to plan a visit to. There is an ever-present threat of terrorism and many countries are either fully or in the great part out of bounds. Of course much of this conflict is built on the many religions which find their origins here and taking students on a trip to see some of the more important worship sites of the world could be incredibly educational. Mecca in Saudi Arabia hosts the Kaaba, the most sacred Islam location in the world and the end point of an annual pilgrimage for Muslims, while the Israeli city of Jerusalem is a big religious centre for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Religion in the Middle East may have quite a bad reputation, but to see the devoted worshippers take joy in their praise can be an education on the positive side of things.
In the Gulf the states of the United Arab Emirates are another world apart - combining the billionaire lifestyle of the rich and famous in Dubai and Abu Dhabi with Western influences and the lure of oil.
Middle Eastern weather is generally hot and dry, so travelling here in the peak of the heat may make things a little uncomfortable, but the coastal regions get more rain and cooler winds than the deserts so can be much more pleasant to visit. Choose your location and time to visit carefully based on what you plan to do whilst visiting - for example, don't plan long scenic walks in the peak of summer!
Find out more about countries in the Middle East region here:
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