What is it?
A nature trail is a planned outdoor walking route, along which are posts marking varying points of interest for people to stop and observe. They can include things such as nature, environmental features and objects of technological and cultural importance, and generally the marker posts have some information displayed for the walkers’ perusal.
What does it involve?
These sorts of trails can involve many different things, but they are all generally based around walking on a circuitous route or from point A to B. The lengths of the trails can vary from reasonably short 30 minute walks to taking many hours to complete – there are different types to include all sorts of different features.
Why do it and what are the benefits?
A nature trail is a great and easy way to get interested in the surrounding environment! The presented information means it requires no research on the things around you, so it’s hassle free and a alternative way of learning.
What equipment do we need?
You shouldn’t need any equipment other than appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear!
Who is it suitable for?
As long as you make sure the length and intensity of the nature trail is suitable for the ages of the students, it should be suitable for pretty much anyone!
Most nature trails are generally free to access, but more specialist walks may have a guide available, which would have some costs! Make sure to check ahead of time.
Issues/Things to think about? (unsuitable for age groups, medical conditions etc)
Nature trails can take you a reasonable distance away from any towns, so if you have students with unpredictable medical conditions you must ensure you can call for medical help and that assistance can access your location easily! Also, young children should always be supervised carefully when in an unsecured outdoor location!
How do we include?
The nature of the outdoors means that the terrain can be rough or unpredictable, so those with physical disabilities may have issues navigating the route. Check with the trail’s organisers to find out the specific details.
Doing it abroad?
Foreign nature trails will be fascinating! They can give you a chance to see and learn about some of the features of different countries while seeing them in real life as opposed to pictures in books. Do some research beforehand to see what is going to be available in the area!
Main website:
See specific venue websites for information about their nature trails.