Since 1997 we have aimed high to offer you a fully inclusive adventure package that will encompass the full spirit of an adventure experience. We have a vast portfolio of exciting adventures which cater for all of our client needs.
What is it?
The term Mountaineering refers to both the sport and practical means of mountain climbing. The varying terrains you can find on a mountain means that the physical techniques vary between ice, snow and rock; all of which require a high level of ability and technical knowledge to carry out safely.
What does it involve?
The main aim of mountaineering is generally to reach the summit of a specific peak, but each expedition will have it's own individual goal; for example, beginners will have only a short distance of mountainous terrain to cover, and gradually increase their abilities and range to climb further and further.
Why do it and what are the benefits?
Mountaineering has many benefits, the main one being general fitness and health improvements! Climbing mountains exercises the whole body and can improve physical strength and reduce body fat, and can be great for learning teamwork skills and setting/acheiving reasonable goals.
What equipment do we need?
In general, mountaineering does need a fair amount of equipment, but as it's likely you'll be doing this activity with a specific provider they should supply the majority of the equipment; however, always check beforehand to make sure.
Who is it suitable for?
Mountaineering is generally suitable for most age groups, and it can be adjusted in intensity to suit capabilties; young children will not be expected to reach the summit of a mountain!
Costs will vary depending on the intensity of the activity and the number of students in the group - prices per student may fall in larger groups, but the overall cost will be larger! Bear in mind the capabilties of the group when booking a session and spend money appropriately.
Issues/Things to think about? (unsuitable for age groups, medical conditions etc)
If your group includes students with unstable medical conditions, taking them up into a mountain may be risky - make sure you have a way of calling for help and that there is easy access for medical assistance to reach you at all times!
How do we include?
Inclusion of those with disabilties will depend on the severity of the condition, the activity provider and the intended mountaineering route. Physical disabilties may be more restrictive than others in this case, but consult with the provider to see what kind of thing they can sort out.
Doing it abroad?
Mountaineering abroad will be fantastic in countries with the right landscape! Obviously naturally flat countries won't have much call for mountaineering activities, so if you want to include this in your trip abroad make sure to pick an appropriate destination!
Main website: has some great information, but check out individual activity provider websites to find out their specific set ups and range of events available.
Venues with this Activity
Programmes can be planned to compliment a school’s curriculum or simply provide an exciting and challenging adventurous day.
We are specialist providers of an exciting range of outdoor activities, courses and expeditions in the UK and overseas.
We offer a complete bespoke service to schools from a 1 day team building event at your venue, a five day multi-activity residential on Exmoor or Wales or a 28 – day Overseas Expedition to East Africa. There is also plenty in between
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