Cote d'Ivoire
Cote d'Ivoire

Types of trips: Adventure, Exploration, Wildlife, Cultural
Best known for: Cocoa Production, Beaches, Rainforests
Why Go?: The lack of too much official tourism in the country gives it's various towns, forests and beaches a nice charm to go with the stunning scenery, and will be a memorable destination for people of all ages and interests.
Fact File
Population: 24,000,000
Capital: Yamoussoukro
Language(s): French
Ties to the UK?: Good relationship
Landscape: Generally flat but gently rising in height from the coast upwards into the north. Dense & humid forests in the south with some mountains in the northwest, and a large savannah in the central region.
Climate/Seasons: Warm all year round, with three general seasons - warm and dry from November - March, hot and dry from March - May and hot and wet from June - October.
When to Go: November - March is the best time to visit, but it's best to avoid late Jan/early Feb when sandy winds from the Sahara are liable to blow through the country.
Reasons to Visit: Local culture and wildlife, beaches
How to Get There: There is a good international airport you can fly to, but you may need to take some connecting flights to do so - check availability well in advance
Places to Go: Galerie d'Arts Pluriels, Musee National
Famous People: Didier Drogba, Alassane Ouattara, Bambadjan Bamba, Frederic Bruly Bouabre
Natural Wonders/Wildlife: Parc du Banco, Tai National Park, N'zo Partial Faunal Reserve
History: Became a French colony in the 1800's and gained it's independence in 1960 while keeping close ties with France and other western countries.
Architecture: Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, La Pyramide, Cathedrale St Paul
Culture: Around 60 different ethnic groups making up the population, each with their own various cultural backgrounds and traditions combining together
Sport: Basketball, Football, Rugby
Events: Festival of Masks, Fete du Dipri
Watch Out For: Some risk of crime - exercise caution in busy public areas
Medical Issues: Some vaccines and boosters are advised - see here for a general overview and always consult with a doctor.
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