
Types of trips: Cultural, History, Adventure, Exploration, Relaxation
Best known for: Storytellers, Music, Beaches, Peanut production
Why Go?: With a lively, colourful capital, amazing National Parks and fascinating cultural hotspots, Senegal is a busy and beautiful country in western Africa with one of its offshore islands the furthest west point of the west coast! This will be a destination people of all ages and interests will enjoy.
Fact File
Population: 13,600,000
Capital: Dakar
Language(s): French
Ties to the UK?: Generally good relationship
Landscape: The majority of Senegal's landscape is rolling sandy/grassy plains, with some low hills in the southeast.
Climate/Seasons: The wet season runs from July - September which shuts down some attractions and national parks, with the main tourism season from November - February when the weather is drier and cooler, but still pleasantly warm.
When to Go: November - April is generally the best time to visit, but the wet season sees a lot cheaper prices and beautifully green landscape.
Reasons to Visit: Weather/beaches, local culture
How to Get There: There is a good international airport serving the capital city Dakar, but you may need to take a connecting flight through Europe to get there from the UK!
Places to Go: IFAN Museum of African Arts, Goree & The House of Slaves, Musee Theodore Monod, African Renaissance Monument, Saint-Louis
Famous People: Macky Sall, Didier Awadi, Cheikh Anta Diop, Mariama Bâ
Natural Wonders/Wildlife: Lake Retba, Saloum Delta National Park, Niokolo-Koba National Park
History: Colonized by France in the 19th century, gaining independence in 1960
Architecture: Pont Faidherbe, Alliance Franco-Senegalaise, Layen Mausoleum
Culture: Strong African traditions including storytelling through griots combining words and music.
Sport: Football, Basketball, Motorsports
Events: Abene Festivalo, Dak'Art Biennale, Kaay Fecc
Watch Out For: While there were some cases of Ebola in Senegal, it was declared free of the virus in October 2014. You should be careful with health whilst in the country though and research what precautions to take. You will need a visa to travel to Senegal, which should be applied for in advance - make sure to leave plenty of time for this!
Medical Issues: Some vaccines and boosters are advised - see here for an overview and always talk to a doctor!
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