Democratic Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo

Types of trips: Nature, Geography, Diverse Ethnic Groups, Adventure
Best known for: Wildlife, The River Congo, Natural Features
Why Go?: The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country filled with sweeping rainforests, huge rivers and dramatic volcanoes, and although there's been a rocky period in the country, progression has filled the country with optimism and change and will be a memorable trip for all.
Fact File
Population: 77,000,000
Capital: Kinshasa
Language(s): French
Ties to the UK?: Good relationship
Landscape: High and icy mountains in the east, with a large flat jungle area in the centre progressing into savannahs in the south, grasslands in the north and the Congo river in the west.
Climate/Seasons: While it is cooler in areas of higher altitude, the country is generally hot and humid with rainfall pretty common throughout the year.
When to Go: The dry season is the best time to visit, but it varies throughout the country - the northern dry period is from December - February and the southern is between April - October.
Reasons to Visit: Naturally occurring features, diverse wildlife and culture
How to Get There: There are a few international airports you can fly to in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but you may need to get some connecting flights - check availability well in advance
Places to Go: Musee National, Academie des Beaux-Arts
Famous People: Joseph Kabila, Patrice Lumumba, Antonie Wendo Kolosoy, Evoloko Jocker, Dikembe Mutombo
Natural Wonders/Wildlife: Nyiragongo Volcano, Lola Ya Bonobo Sanctuary, Virunga National Park
History: Was a Belgian colony in the 1900s and gained independence in 1960 - various incidents of civil unrest since
Architecture: Laurent Kabila's Tomb
Culture: Very diverse as a result of hundreds of ethnic groups in the country
Sport: Football, Basketball, Rugby
Events: Journés Congolaises de Théâtre pour et par l'Enfance et la Jeunesse, Lubumbashi Festival, Kinshasa Book Fair
Watch Out For: There is some civil unrest in the country currently - make sure to check out the FCO page linked below for updates
Medical Issues: There are some advised vaccinations and boosters - check here for a good general overview and always consult with a doctor.
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