
Types of trips: Nature, Hiking, Adventure, Exploration
Best known for: Lake Malawi, Fish, Tea
Why Go?: Malawi is a country of dramatic landscapes - from the huge Great Rift Valley to the wide expanse of Lake Malawi and it's thriving fish population, the scenery here can keep you amazed for days, whether you're hiking through the mountains, snorkeling in the reefs or enjoying a beach!
Fact File
Population: 16,500,000
Capital: Lilongwe
Language(s): Chichewa
Ties to the UK?: Used to be under British control, decent current diplomatic relationship
Landscape: Large valley area running through the country from north to south, surrounded by mountains and some lakes, the largest being Lake Malawi in the east.
Climate/Seasons: The country is hot in the lowland regions and cooler the higher you go, with the driest period between May - October and reasonably heavy rains from November - April, peaking around March.
When to Go: May - October is the dry season and therefore the best time to go, with the landscape at its greenest and lushest from May - July after the rains have stopped. October/November is the best time for wildlife viewing, but the temperatures during these months can get very high.
Reasons to Visit: Geography and wildlife diversity
How to Get There: Air travel is the best way to get to Malawi, but you may need to take several connecting flights from the UK to reach the country.
Places to Go: Culture & Museum Centre Karonga, Chichiri Museum, Chongoni Rock Art Area
Famous People: Peter Mutharika, Jack Mapanje, Paul Zeleza
Natural Wonders/Wildlife: Mt Mulanje, Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve, Lake Malawi National Park
History: Colonised by the British in 1891, gaining independence in 1964 and changing from it's then name of Nyasaland to Malawi.
Architecture: Mandala House
Culture: Strong traditional culture, with dance & music important parts of life
Sport: Football, Netball
Events: Lake of Stars Music Festival, Kamuzu Day, Blantyre Arts Festival, Chilimike
Watch Out For: Heavy rains can make some areas & roads inaccessible, so make sure to be aware of weather conditions. You will need a permit to visit, but you can get these reasonably easily for tourism purposes.
Medical Issues: Some vaccines and boosters may be advised for travel here - see this page for a general overview and always consult a doctor.
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